Comments due to DEC by December 26 (we got a one week extention)
Click on title to read more about Pittstowns proposed plans to continue and expand the sand & gravel mining operations not ONE MILE from our quiet & quaint little rural riverside community where we have created a "forever scenic green & blueway" along the banks of the beautiful Hoosic River, and with plans for a wildlife sanctuary! How well would that go with the noisy air-polluting trucks? NOT. Not to mention the effect of removing the soil, sand and gravel from the mountain behind us will have on our ground and well-water. Can you belive DECs accessment that no environmental impact studies are necessary? Geez. What waz dey smokin?
Just say NO to mining in J'Ville for all of the tiny little hamlet is a CRITICAL ENVIRONMENTAL AREA. Think it aint so. Come on down anytime I would be glad to show you around.
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