Directly across from our house, just down from the public boat launch the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) had installed for us by the Power Co who rents the dam, there is a stillwater inlet that is a breeding ground for insects, specifically mosquito's
Yesterday I reported this to Tom Uncher of Brookfield Power Co., who, in so many words, informed me that it was not his concern....he reasoned that since it was a "water quality" issue, he advised me to report it to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (EnCon) which I did.
The EnCon Representative I spoke with told me (I didnt get her name) that it was not their concern, reasoning that it was a "public health issue" and advising me to call the Rensselaer Co Health Dept. which I did.
Talk about the run-around. So I called the Rensselaer Co health Dept and spoke with Jennifer DeLorenzo who told me that there isnt anything they can do. She claimed a lack of funding. That is where we stand today. No help on this very important pubic health issue effecting our small little rural community. The bugs are so bad already, what with the bats being gone and all.....
Take a look at some of the pics of our Neighborhood Mosquito Breeding Grounds that I guess we are stuck living with;
Hard to tell in these pics, but the algae close to shore is sitting on muck, not floating in the water...there IS no water til you get half way out across the riverbed.

Guess my next call will be to FERC
and about the sandbags, ( a seperate issue with flood-control) these bags Brookfield Power Co put down last year cause of the flooding the "hole in the bank" they call a "launch" caused....they were supposed to come back and cover them with gravel or dirt;
now the fiberglass-weaved bags are disintegrating, breaking up and blowing all over the neighborhood. Isnt this nice?

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